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Completing the First 5 Steps


Follow this step-by-step guide to set up your Go Book It profile for the first time. While we’ll help you optimise it later, completing these initial steps is crucial to ensure the platform runs smoothly. Start here and work through each step to get your profile up and running!

Understand how to


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Step by Step

Prefer a written guide? Click through each step here..


How do I hide certain steps from my booking widget?

To hide steps you don’t need, you can head to settings, front end panels and booking steps. You can then toggle whichever you don’t require off.

For the system to work, we need to add a location into the system. If you are an event supplier that works from different locations, you can simply create a location and name it ‘No fixed address’.

You can do all of this using our custom booking forms. You can watch our custom booking forms video here.