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How to become a wedding celebrant - Behind the Business

  • Posted 1 year ago

How to become a wedding celebrant

Here at Go Book It there is nothing we love more than chatting to our event supplier pals and getting the nitty gritty on running their small business. We first came accross Verity on Instagram and we were immediately greeted with a bright and wholesome grid full of stunning wedding ceremony pictures and reviews from happy couples. We were delighted when Celebrate With Verity joined Go Book It, she is such a fantastic addition to our wedding celebrant category and we were even more delighted when she agreed to let us ask her a few questions and get behind her wedding celebrant business!

What made you decide to become a celebrant?

I’ve always been a creative cookie – like many of us are! But sometimes it’s hard to figure out exactly where that creativity will shine brightest when it comes to choosing a career. Yes, I love baking, but no way do I want sleepless nights over how I’m going to make a three-year-olds Paw Patrol birthday cake, or if my icing is the exact shade of dusty pink to match the bride’s bouquet!

I’ve always loved creative writing too, but let’s face it, blogging will never keep the Diesel in my Mini full or my floral dress obsession funded! So instead, I followed my second passion (working with children) and I found myself working as a learning support assistant in a school. It was fun, but hard work, and the pay was terrible for the amount of emotional and physical energy I was exerting every day. In fact, as each day passed, I felt like I drifted further and further away from helping those adorable little squidges, and my day became consistently about ticking boxes in order to please “the system”.

It wasn’t until the summer of 2019, when I attended a friend’s wedding and saw a celebrant ceremony that it all clicked! I remember thinking “This is the most beautiful, fun, and personal ceremony I have ever seen, and I don’t want it to end!” I just knew it was something I could do and be good at. I love weddings. I love creative writing. And most of all, I love love!

Don’t get me wrong, it took me another 3 years to pluck up the courage to make the move (please don’t be like me!) and finally take that leap of faith. But, it will forever be the day I made the best decision of my life and I can finally say I have found my calling. I am living the dream! It feels amazing to work for myself and even more wonderful, the Sunday night scaries no longer exist! I feel like I can honestly say that I have found the creative career I always wanted, and best of all, I get to make a couple’s biggest day even more special! It’s utterly magical.

What is the most difficult part about running your small business?

Running a business feels impossible at times, but I think half of it is mindset. I strongly believe, that if you stay positive, positive things will happen. But that is easier said than done, and it’s definitely what I’ve struggled the most with. I’ve most certainly had my fair share of “Holy crumbs, what am I doing?” moments, and there have been so many times I’ve wanted to throw in the towel.

But after every little wobble, I picked myself up and carried on. I tried harder the next day and waited patiently for my rewards. Sometimes I felt like I would never get that first booking or even the second one! But they came eventually, and I’m so glad that I held onto that little bit of faith in my heart that I could do it!

With social media, it’s so easy to compare yourself to other business owners and see how well they are doing. I find this hard even now. You just have to stay in your lane, focus on your own little wins, and keep a positive mindset. Just keep reminding yourself that everyone deserves success, and that includes you!

What do you love the most about being a wedding celebrant?

The question really should be what’s not to love? This job is everything I could ever wish for and more. I meet so many wonderful couples, make friends for life, visit gorgeous venues, travel the country, and no longer have to excuse myself for buying yet another pretty dress!

Every little thing about being a celebrant brings me joy and you really can’t compare the elation of having just officiated a ceremony to anything else. Every single time I have to pinch myself and say “You married a couple today!”.

But most of all, I feel like I’m part of a family that is just so full of love and kindness. It’s so unique! Everyone within the celebrant community is willing to help you. Whether they be sharing ideas, passing advice or even sending a couple your way when they are already booked. This little corner of the world is a beautiful place to be and I wouldn’t be here, loving this job as much as I do without this wonderful community behind me. The friendships I have built through my training are ones that will last a lifetime, and I love that I get to share all of my highs (and occasional lows), with people who genuinely care. I feel so blessed!

Top tips for a smooth wedding ceremony?

Having seen a lot of wedding ceremonies unfold, I have collated a rather lengthy list of advice. But my number one top tip has to be, if you are planning on having an outdoor ceremony, make sure there is a plan B!

As much as I love the beauty of being outdoors, the great British weather is not always the kindest. So I strongly recommend that when couples visit venues they make sure they love both the inside and outdoor ceremony spaces equally and that they talk to their coordinators about having a plan B in place.

I can more than understand that some venues’ ceremony spaces are solely outdoors. So if your hearts are well and truly set on one of these, then I would recommend investing in a couple of elegant umbrellas for you both, as well as plenty of matching brollies for your guests. It will stop any last-minute panic and it can actually make for a really stunning photo!

How to become a wedding celebrant?

Embarking on the path to becoming a wedding celebrant is like stepping into a magical adventure! Your first stop? Enrol in a comprehensive course, such as the delightful Academy of Modern Celebrancy, where you’ll master everything from how to craft ceremony scripts to honing your business skills.

Next, networking is a must! Make friends with celebrants in your area, cosy up to dreamy venues, and get chatting with couples and other wedding suppliers at wedding fayres. It’s the surefire way to supercharge your recommendations and fill up your bookings calendar. 

Finally, seize opportunities! Consider officiating at a friend’s or family wedding to build confidence and collect those heartwarming testimonials. Joining facebook groups to take part in free-styled wedding shoots is also an amazing way of getting some beautiful content that will help your social media sparkle early on. 

Now, here’s the magical secret: Believe in yourself, embrace this joyous career, and you’ll be at the heart of countless couples’ special days. Remember, you’ve got this.

Interested in booking Verity for your wedding? You can check out her services & Go Book It HERE

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